The Principal Virtues
Found in both one volume or in separate books (*) dealing with individual virtues. Presents a good explanation of the principal features of the theological and moral virtues, helping the reader discover the...
Found in both one volume or in separate books (*) dealing with individual virtues. Presents a good explanation of the principal features of the theological and moral virtues, helping the reader discover the...
Byung-Chul Han (Seoul, 1959) studied philosophy at the University of Freiburg, German literature and theology at the University of Munich. In 1994 he received his doctorate in Freiburg with a thesis on...
Socratic Logic is a logic textbook by American philosopher Peter Kreeft, who perceived a gap in the market: books about logic were either historical surveys of Socrates, Plato, or Aristotle or primers in...
Michael Sandel is a well-known Harvard professor. He discusses the growing concentration of economic power in the United States and the financial drift of the economy (with the subprime crisis and all that...
Josef Pieper, philosopher and Catholic, author of numerous successful books, as Rafael Alvira says in the prologue is the most profound interpreter of the 'normal' life and the most normal interpreter of...
This book offers a study of Aquinas' famous Work, Summa Theologiae. It is a relatively short text which analyzes the background of this Work, how it is structured and its...
A classic of philosophical thought on the limitations of modernity. It is a profound book, with theses of great actuality. With the passion of a convert, Maritain sets himself the task of showing the roots...
Robert Koons teaches philosophy at the University of Texas in Austin. In the last sentence of the text, he writes, "We have attempted to bring the reader as close as possible to the state of the art in...
The author, a Mexican philosopher, has the ability to make philosophy accessible by focusing on the essentials, using a clear and direct style, employing a linear and concise discourse, and following a...
Julia Annas wrote her important book “The Morality of Happiness” in 1995, in which she presented a thorough analysis of ancient eudemonistic, virtue ethics. In “Intelligent Virtue”, written in 2011, she...