No greater love

[No greater love]
West Chester
Year of publication: 
Moral assessment: 
Type: Thought
Nothing inappropriate.
Requires prior general knowledge of the subject.
Readers with knowledgeable about the subject matter.
Contains doctrinal errors of some importance.
Whilst not being explicitly against the faith, the general approach or its main points are ambiguous or opposed to the Church’s teachings.
Incompatible with Catholic doctrine.
Literary quality: 
Transmits values: 
Sexual content: 
Violent content: 
Vulgar or obscene language: 
Ideas that contradict Church teaching: 
The rating of the different categories comes from the opinion of Delibris' collaborators

A very interesting book by this theologian and father of a family. By explaining the Passion of Christ in its historical and religious context, and by developing the numerous references of the Passion narratives to the Old Testament, it allows for a deeper understanding of this central event of the Redemption. It approaches the subject not only with theological precision, but also with piety, showing the greatness of Christ's love for each person.

Each chapter ends with reflection questions, allowing one to reflect on the understanding of the chapter and to meditate on the application of its content to one's personal life.

The language and wording are accessible to all types of readers. 

Author: Sergio S., Belgium
Update on: Feb 2023