
Reasons to believe

A book of apologetics with classical foundations but aimed at contemporaries, it corrects misunderstandings and offers thoughtful responses to common objections about the Catholic faith.

The book...

The Screwtape Letters

Screwtape, an experienced devil, writes letters to his nephew giving him advice on how to tempt “his human” and keep him under control. In this book Lewis shows an exceptional knowledge of human nature, its...

A Map of Life

A clear and simple scheme of man's path to God, with living examples that are close to the reader. They deal with different aspects of the Christian faith: creation, original sin, the Incarnation and...

Apologia pro vita sua

The author, a convert from Anglicanism to Catholicism, defends the Catholic Church through the detailed narration of his own conversion. The book has a high apologetic interest. Fluid style, very well...

No greater love

A very interesting book by this theologian and father of a family. By explaining the Passion of Christ in its historical and religious context, and by developing the numerous references of the Passion...

God exists. I have met Him

In this short book, André Frossard tells how he was converted to Catholicism in a totally unexpected and free way. He tells in a long first part how he spent his childhood and youth, the family and...