Greek and Roman Classics


The curse placed on Oedipus lingers and haunts a younger generation in this new and brilliant translation of Sophocles' classic drama. The daughter of Oedipus and...


Homer's great epic describes the many adventures of Odysseus, Greek warrior, as he strives over many years to return to his home island of Ithaca after the Trojan War...

Works and Days

Hesiod was the first self-styled 'poet' in western literature, revered by the ancient Greeks. Ostensibly written to chide and educate his lazy brother, Works and Days...

Jason And The Argonauts

Jason and the Argonauts (also known as the Argonautica), is the only surviving full account of Jason's voyage on the Argo in quest of the Golden Fleece aided by the...

The Apology of Socrates

One dies as one lives. And there are deaths that deserve epitaphs in bronze, hanging on the doors of all cities. The death of Socrates continues to move the world....

The Iliad

The Iliad narrates the tragic and bloody outcome of the Trojan War. It is perhaps the most important epic poem in Western tradition, and the oldest poem in Western...