Like the other novels of the author, this thriller is also a best seller.
Most of the plot takes place in the federal prison Trumble. It has a special regime because it is for petty criminals. Three former judges, Joe Roy Spicer, Finn Yarber and Hatlee Beech, call themselves the brotherhood. They meet in the law section of the library to work on the cases of prisoners who pay them for those services: they practice law without a license. The plot of the book centers on the blackmail they carry out by mail - the Angola scam. One of the victims of the extortion is a person with whom it would have been better not to get involved.
It is an original and entertaining story although at times it gets a bit dense as it has some slower parts. It is very well written. The main characters like Teddy Maynad and the con men are well profiled; the others perhaps lack strength. It is a world of lies, secrets, manipulation, control by the higher ups.... Although it is fiction the terrible thing is that some real life criminal actions are carried out that way. Anyone with an interest in American politics and how million dollar blackmail can be carried out will enjoy the book.