[O Pioneers!]
Year of publication:
Moral assessment:
Type: Literature
Nothing inappropriate.
Some morally inappropriate content.
Contains significant sections contrary to faith or morals.
Contains some lurid passages, or presents a general ideological framework that could confuse those without much Christian formation.
Contains several lurid passages, or presents an ideological framework that is contrary or foreign to Christian values.
Explicitly contradicts Catholic faith or morals, or is directed against the Church and its institutions.
Literary quality:
Transmits values:
Sexual content:
Violent content:
Vulgar or obscene language:
Ideas that contradict Church teaching:
The rating of the different categories comes from the opinion of Delibris' collaborators
Set in a small Nebraska town in the late 19th century, the book relates a story of immigration and survival. The central figure is Alexandra, a courageous young woman who is in charge of the family. With her determination, intelligence and hard work, she succeeds in managing the land, defying social conventions about the role of women. The characters are emigrants from different corners of Europe, families struggling against adversity in a wilderness and an extreme climate, who learn to cultivate the land through the bitter experience of failure. As in other novels, Willa Cather (1873-1947) makes visible the protagonism of women, whose vital and integrating force moves the whole community forward.
Author: Manuel Martínez, Spain
Update on: Nov 2024